Admit it...
We all have scars that we’ve been concealing...
Scars that kept us from doing what we’ve always wanted to do with our lives. There are the physical scars that kept us from wearing that beautiful, supposedly flattering dress. There are the pimple scars that need tons of concealers, the kind of scars your crush cannot and should not see. And there are the emotional scars that we’re trying to mask because we don’t want the world to see our weaknesses. Whatever our life stories are, we all have scars we’re too embarrassed to show the world.
one shouldnt hide "scars": be they.. the physical scars,...pimples...or be they d scars f emotions...!
scars make us humans..
scars make us REAL!
we ol livn a lyf of a human..who undergoes pain n joy..;have beautiful and triumphant stories to tell..!
the ppl who had been through insurmountable hurdles become an INSPIRATION!! cause' they have got real stories to tell'they have been bruised yet learned from it...
life becomes challenging at times...,it makes u fell into troubles which are hell to face...but that should be accepted as a CHALLENGE..!
a chance to turn urself into a better and tough individual..
I have pimple scars to prove that I once lived a stressful life and patiently worked a job I never wanted to because I have a living to maintain..
I have a heart that was broken..torned and have been stitched countless times. And that just made more room for more love to give..
I have a life scarred with embarrassments, lousy decisions and immature actions. And it made me realize that life isn’t all bad. There are always lessons to be learned, experiences to cherish and moments worth telling to my children in the future..
so take up for a positivity...
show ur scars..!!
They make you.!
They show the beauty in you that perfection can never give...
sCarS aRe nOt To bE cOnCeAlEd..To bE hIddEn..!
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